Sugar is THE hot topic in the world of health and nutrition at the moment, with huge media attention homing down on sugar which has quickly become the devil of our diets.
To kick things off let’s start with some statistics:
- In 1993 13% of men and 16% of women were obese – in 2011 this has risen to 24% for men and 26% for women. (NHS, 2013)
- Out of children attending reception class (aged 4-5 years) during 2011-12, 9.5% were obese. (NHS, 2013)
- In the UK, 64% of adults are classed as being overweight or obese. (BBC, 2014)
The table sugar we know of is a Disaccharide (simple carbohydrate) it is digested and broken down into glucose where it is used for energy and storage in the liver and muscles. This process is very quick, making sugar our most easily utilised fuel to create energy. Fat and protein take longer to digest and release energy.
Sugar is a fast acting source of energy therefore can be a very useful tool for keen runners or endurance athletes, who are exercising regularly over 90 minutes at a time. You’ll find your body craving a sugar high to give you a much needed performance boost! (I've found Haribo hit the spot nicely) However anything less than 90 minutes will usually mean you can survive just fine with a good meal before, and water throughout.
There is no evil in sugar per se so should not be demonised. Where the problem lies however is its rate of consumption when set against our current activity levels, this is what’s contributing to Obesity, Heart Disease, Type 2 Diabetes and other such horrible diseases.
Sugar in conjunction with our ever increasing sedentary lifestyles, lack of exercise, low sport participation, love of alcohol, the influence of technology and the convenience of motorised transport are all contributors to our poor health and flabby belly’s.
A final thought is our understanding of what is good nutrition, with a minefield of misleading advertisement and marketing campaigns from the major food chains, these guys at the top are influencing us massively. Next time you go to buy something because it’s a slow releasing carbohydrate or claims to “help maintain a healthy heart” (they usually have green banners also) take a second to ask how is this healthy? Then ask who is telling you this information? A professional who deals with nutrition or (more than likely) a company selling their product?
To stay on the safe side of those statistics earlier, try reducing your sugar consumption (NHS recommend no more than 70g a day for men and 50g for women) and combine this with 30-45 minute exercise sessions 3-4x a week. Eat your green’s and increase your protein intake such as meat, fish and poultry.
A couple of basic changes for you there that will improve cholesterol levels, skin conditions such as eczema and most importantly, shift those inches off the waistline.
If you need more help regarding your health, fitness and nutrition then give us a call at Elite Fitness Consultants 0151 668 0250 or email me at