With so many
diets out there and all these “experts” saying this is the best one to follow,
how the hell are we supposed to know what is actually good for us and what will
work in terms of losing fat and help to keep or gain muscle tissue?
The answer is
actually a lot simpler than you might think. The starting point is for you to
firstly empty your head of all the nonsense that the media has hit you with and
go back to a very basic mindset.
We all should
be aware that we need to consume protein, carbohydrates and fats (good fats)
along with a series of micro nutrients (vitamins and minerals). This helps your
body function efficiently if you have provided it with the nutrients it NEEDS!
So what special diet provides
Meat, fish,
fruit and vegetables!!!! You do not have to look any further than this. Eating
these foods will place you in good health and allow you to effectively utilise
fat as a fuel source (fat burning) and maintain or even grow muscle tissue..
So why is this
advice any better than all of the rest? Glad you thought of that and here is my
answer... We are all different and different people respond better or worse to
certain food groups or how much is consumed. Unless you have a serve allergy
these foods are perfectly good for you however some people will respond better
than others. So here’s what to do.... test it!!
The start
point should be to eat balanced meals, your plate should consist of proteins,
carbohydrates and natural fats but this needs to also consist of micro
nutrients (vitamins and minerals). So to be clear, eat meat or fish and fruit
or veg for EVERY meal (yes including breakfast). An example of breakfast could
be kippers, boiled egg with an apple and banana - breakfast of champions!
The western
diet is typically high carbohydrate as this is a cheap source of food so just
have a think to yourself, what were people eating around 200 years ago before
cereals where made? So to know what is good for you simply balance your meals
and see what happens after 6
weeks. You will see and feel a dramatic difference. If this has some form of negative effect then keep eating the same foods but try eating slightly more protein and a little less carbohydrates and monitor how you feel and look for a 6 week period. If the same happens then simply change it the other way by eating more carbohydrates and slightly less protein.
weeks. You will see and feel a dramatic difference. If this has some form of negative effect then keep eating the same foods but try eating slightly more protein and a little less carbohydrates and monitor how you feel and look for a 6 week period. If the same happens then simply change it the other way by eating more carbohydrates and slightly less protein.
No matter how
your digestive system works this will suit almost every individual so long as
you monitor your feelings and how your body changes. So find what works best
for YOU and not what works for Beyonce or J-Lo. So don’t be a sheep and find
your own path to health.
Keep healthy