Wednesday, 25 September 2013

How to get started with fitness

I recently wrote a blog for Jade Ainsworth gossip column about taking action and stop talking about doing it. Although my words are very true and straight to the point I also realise it can be difficult to just get started!

So if you are struggling and just want some help then try these easy steps to help you get onto the Health & Fitness wagon. Regardless of your goals, be it, weight loss, health or fitness, this approach will work for everyone:

Problem 1 – You've got too many bad habits and need to introduce too many good ones.

Solution – Instead of making all of these drastic changes immediately which only typically last a week then just start off slow and gradually build momentum. Rather than 3 takeaways a week, just eat 2 and try to eat 2 meals a week that consist of a plate load of green vegetables and lean meat or fish.

Problem 2 – You can’t give up your social nights of drinking every weekend with friends.

Solution - Well who said you can’t still go out? Simply try drinking a small glass of water after every alcoholic drink you. Watch just how much money you save and how much better you feel the next day!

Problem 3 – You don’t know how to exercise.

Solution - As I mentioned in Jade’s blog running is the easiest form of exercise for you to do. If you have joint pain then get on your bike! You have been able to do both of these since you were a child! Again just try it once a week and gradually increase over time at your own rate.

These are 3 very simple steps to 3 very big and common problems that typically stop people from making taking those first steps to a healthier and fitter life. Being fit & healthy doesn't always mean drastic change just make small but effective changes over a period of time. This is actually the way we help our clients achieve their goals.

If you need any help then email me on or contact us directly by clicking this link

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Keep it healthy!