Friday, 8 November 2013

The Red Wine Myth

An old client and now friend of mine recently asked me a question on Facebook, is a glass of red wine a day good for you.  After my abrupt disappointed response, she then replied that she had read so much information which displayed scientific evidence that Red wine was good for your heart.

Although I was frustrated I could certainly understand her point because if you run a search on Google for the benefits of Red wine, there are many pieces of literature showing this evidence.  With the media also jumping on this band wagon it is easy to see how people can be misled into thinking that Red wine is “good” for you.

 So let’s look at the facts:

Over the years scientists have carried out numerous tests and studies of red wine and the effects on the heart.  The results have been pretty conclusive with a great majority agreeing that when you drink red wine in moderation some of the properties in red wine help reduce bad cholesterol, prevent blood clots and generally protect the heart.

When looking at these studies in isolation it sounds great! But before you run off to Tesco to stock on a year’s supply of Red wine, please continue reading.

Scientists are not entirely sure what is in Red wine that causes these benefits however the latest research indicates the flavanols found in plants and pips in grapes which are released during fermentation are the likely reason why Red wine is beneficial to the heart.  There are also many studies that are showing a compound in the skin of red grapes to also be very beneficial to our health.

Remember, this is in isolation of compounds found in plants/grapes so now let’s look at alcohol and what we know as fact.

Alcohol is responsible for approx 13,000 cases of cancer every year in the UK and on top of that 10,000 people a year die prematurely directly from alcohol.  These are just the death stats, so when you start looking at all of the other unpleasant diseases directly related to alcohol it doesn't make for comfortable reading.

Red wine is an alcoholic drink which contains toxins and also stimulates toxins in the body hence when we drink too much we become intoxicated!  Toxins cause us problems!  To even consider Red wine as a benefit of health is simply ridiculous.

If you want the benefits of Red wine without the danger of cancer and everything else that comes with it start introducing red grapes into your diet – pretty straight forward really!

If after reading this blog you feel I am just a health freak attacking alcohol then you simply have too much of an attachment to alcohol either directly or socially.  I’m not interested in telling you what to do (unless you are a client of ours) I’m simply pointing out reality, dispelling myths and helping you make a more informed choice.

Good luck and until next time keep it healthy

If you would like to speak to me with regard to personal training please email or you can call 0151 668 0250.  If you just want a load of free health & fitness stuff and a ton of motivation then follow me and my team on twitter @PTElite_ and Facebook